Welcome to
A Center of Excellence in the Heart of Nairobi City.

About the College
Bridge College Nairobi , Kenya is a fully-fledged institution in East Africa’s economic hub. TVET Approved .Since 1992, we have excelled in offering programs in Bridging, Languages, Hospitality, ICT, Electrical, Business and Community Development Courses, promoting intellectual curiosity, freedom, and academic excellence.
Students Global Coverage
Artisan, Certificate, Diploma Courses
years of history
Our philosophy
We are a community of intellects from all backgrounds and walks of life, connecting over great ideas and the search for life’s solutions. We observe, create, innovate, build and package opportunities that transcend language and geographical barriers, spreading our impact to all corners of the world. That’s what makes us a center of academic excellence, a bridge from knowledge to opportunities.
Programs offered
At Bridge College, we prepare you to launch your career by providing a supportive, creative, and professional environment. Our programs in Bridging, Languages, Hospitality, Business , Electricals and ICT equip you with practical skills, a network of industry contacts, and real-world experience.
We’re now 30 years into our journey and incredibly proud of the outcome. We’ve educated over 10,000+ students between 1992-2023 through in-person programs.
School Of English & Other Languages
School Of Bridging Courses
School Of Hospitality
Social Sciences & Community Development
School Of Business
School Of ICT & Computing
School Of Electrical Engineering
School Of E-Learning
Are you ready to take the next step toward your future career?